Monday, September 28, 2009

Episode Critiques

As you all know Pat is requiring that everyone view the FastTrack episodes in order to help improve the show and each of our individual performances. So with that said, the blog will be used to post any positive feedback on your fellow teammates and if there are any complaints or any comments that you would prefer remain anonymous then please send those directly to Pat. Also she has emailed the preferred format to submit your comments. If you did not receive the outline from Pat, or if you had trouble opening the file like I did, email her as soon as possible! Have a good evening guys!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fast Track 9-25-09

Hi Fast Track Team!
Post your comments on the 9-25-09 show, now!
Pat R.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Study Abroad...

In case any of you are interested in living and studying outside the States there's a Study Abroad Fair tomorrow in Purdue Memorial Mall (aka Tent City) from 10AM - 3PM. The event will be hosted by students returning from studying abroad so they can help you with any concerns you might have. But even better there will be music and FREE STUFF (you can't beat free stuff...that's always good)!

But if you want to head out next spring then you HAVE to apply online by September 15!
Here's where to apply:

Help Wanted:

Hey everyone here's a fresh announcement for anyone that's interested in building up their resume.... college guide and web magazine-is looking for a Purdue intern for this fall semester. They're looking for someone willing (and able) to commit 5-6 hours a week to the position. The chosen intern will be expected to produce and film short videos every week about college life (they'll send you a camera so no need to make a mad dash to Best Buy). Also you'll be expected to engage in their marketing efforts through social media channels as well as on-campus. You will also be able to pitch and write content for as well as

The hours with this position are VERY flexible and the position its self will help you create and build up your online portfolio. But you must be RESPONSIBLE and DILIGENT in order to handle the weekly deadlines. Prior experience with video production and a strong presence on social networks is a PLUS but they will consider inexperienced candidates that are willing to learn. The internship is open to all classes and majors.

For more info on this posting you can go to the following link to see what other interns have to say about their experience.

And if you want to throw your hat in the ring send a paragraph about yourself and your resume (with or without a list of extracurricular activities) to Senior Web Editor Irene Straygina at

Take care and good luck!