Monday, September 28, 2009

Episode Critiques

As you all know Pat is requiring that everyone view the FastTrack episodes in order to help improve the show and each of our individual performances. So with that said, the blog will be used to post any positive feedback on your fellow teammates and if there are any complaints or any comments that you would prefer remain anonymous then please send those directly to Pat. Also she has emailed the preferred format to submit your comments. If you did not receive the outline from Pat, or if you had trouble opening the file like I did, email her as soon as possible! Have a good evening guys!


sarahxelise said...

I think that Eric is doing a really good job. His stories are really professional and you can tell he puts a lot of time making them look as nice as possible. I think he gathers a lot of quality information for his stories as well.

ERIC said...

Hi everyone,

My comments can be found at my own blog site:

Thank you, Eric

ERIC said...

Can anyone show me how to make my HTML tag work so you can directly get to my link from this comment page? It's not letting me. For now, if you'd like to read my comments on the blog I've created, just copy and paste the address.


Bram said...

I really enjoyed the interview section with the Earthquake expert. It was very informative, the back and forth camera shots were nice and smooth, and Eric did a great job leading into the questions with information and facts. The interview was very smooth and natural and the b-roll put in over top of the interview fit in well and provided additional information. Good work everyone!

Harry Nelson said...

I watch the show in tiny pieces when I edit and then as a whole. I think everything is coming along and improving on screen and off. Even when the show gets fine a bit late it's nice seeing everyone work together so well. Good work everyone.

Bram said...

I really enjoyed how we flowed in the studio as a team this week. As a whole we are becoming a more solid unit. I'm looking forward to future weeks as we get even better. As for this weeks episode. I really enjoyed Juan's story. The B-roll was well shot and fit perfectly with the VO. Great job Juan! Also, as usual, Eric put together an excellent package. I really enjoyed his abundance of solid interviews that really enhanced his story. I enjoyed working on shooting the interviews with him. Again, superb work Eric!

Paige Stoveld said...

I think that Bram's story was really interesting. It was a great topic that grabbed my attention. I also liked my story- with the fans rushing the field because that is something that doesn't happen very often at Purdue. The anchors are doing a really great job at making the show look professional. Everyone's attitudes are very uplifting and I think the show is running a lot smoother than before. yay everyone!

Paige Stoveld said...

For the 10.29.09 show I thought that everyone did an excellent job considering the fact that it was our first live taping! Everyone was very calm and collective and everything flowed smoothly. Eric's H1N1 updates are very good and essential for the show. I also enjoyed Sams cooking segment. I thought it was very creative and made me want to go make it. Good job everyone!

Paige Stoveld said...

For the 11.5 show I think that everyone did a great job for the second time running tapes! The stories were really nice, especially JD and my story ;) haha. I really like the Making a Difference pieces, its unique and nice to know what people are doing around Purdue's campus. Eric, good job on the updates! Also, I like the supers on the bottom for the Community Calendar. Great job everyone!

Paige Stoveld said...

For the show from 11-12, i thought it went pretty well. I like the opening with Eric standing and the video rolling over before we see him. Everyones anchoring skills have improved a lot, and I think the overall show looks great! The weather trivia was fun. I think it should be incorporated in every show. Its a great way to engage the audience. good job everyone!

Bram said...

This is for the 11.20 show. Again, JD your stand-up was very well shot and the locations really added to your piece. The B-roll for that piece was also very nice. It had good movement and good variety of shots. The doppler on wheels story was also very nice. Good variety of B-roll and detailed shot mixed well with a good amount of information. The music on the sports story was again, a nice touch to make the section a little easier to watch.