Monday, October 5, 2009

Hi Fast Track Team!
You can send in your comments on the 10-02 show anytime before class tomorrow!


BL said...

All in all the show looked good. The anchors did a great job. I really enjoyed Sam's cooking seg.

sarahxelise said...

I also really liked Eric's interview about the Earthquakes. I liked the clips that were put in the middle of the interview, it helped keep it interesting and kept it looking really professional. Amanda is improving with her weather. I think she appears a lot less nervous now. I need to sit up more straight, I look kind of frumpy sometimes. I'm glad that the second earthquake part was taken out, because I know I didn't read it very strongly. The teleprompter was messed up and cutting the words in half on the screen. It was hard for me to read because I hadn't ever done that before. Paige's tailgating story was really good, I liked the variety of footage that was with it. I liked the opening for Cooking on Campus, it was really cute.

TommyT said...

Sam's segment once again had some good humor and was very easy to understand the steps of making the pizza.

Paige did an awesome job on the Gameday Segment. It did a good job summing up the day on Saturday.

Sam said...

i know this is late, but its better late than never...

Eric, i'm always impressed with your segments. I think you've been doing great work. The stories are well-written and the shots are great.

Tommy and Joe, the sports writing is getting better. Each week the writing seems more and more professional, good work. You guys are doing a great job with sports.

Nick and Harry, great work with the editing. You guys really make the show flow very well. Keep it up!

AmandaJo said...

October 23rd-
the show seems to be getting better and better. the editing job is done very well. i like the workout clips in the middle. those turned out really well. the stories done by eric turned out well. the shots were good, it flowed, and the information was easy to follow. the smoking ban gave a good variety of peoples opinions. the sports wrap up was well done also. i like the witty comments. the balloon boy story had a lot of nice shots and good information w/ many peoples opinions also.

Bram said...

October 23rd,

This week, I really thought we got one step closer to becoming a cohesive unit as a news crew. I really liked the variety of stories we had on this past week's show.

The use of the Fast Track microphone in the stories was a nice addition. It adds a little more credibility to our broadcast and helps people identify with the show. Yay for branding!

Good work, all!

AmandaJo said...

the show went well last time rolling in the tapes. i thought the indy statue story was well done and interesting. so was the abuse story. the music during the sports segment was a good addition. The food looked amazing during cooking with sam. overall a very good show.

AmandaJo said...

Nov 6th show- the restorative story was interesting and well done. i enjoyed all the different shots. the shots during the make a difference story were also very well done. the new updated library looks amazing. the show overall looked really good!

AmandaJo said...

Nov 13th- during class the show seemed to progress slowly and we didnt have time to roll-in tapes but it all came together very nicely. Nice job editors!! I really liked the music during the community calendar and the Humans vs Zombies story. That was funny.

AmandaJo said...

Nov 20th show- During the first story of climate change and land i liked the shot where you zoomed into the branch that had rain drops on it. rest of the show was great! good job!

AmandaJo said...

Great show! bram's story turned out really well, even if you were not able to get all the shots you wanted...i liked the summary of all the girls on purdue's b-ball team also.